
A grievance is an expression of unhappiness about anything regarding your mental health services at Tulare Youth Service Bureau, Inc.

What should I do if I have a grievance?

1. We encourage you to first discuss your concerns or complaints with your/your child's therapist.

2. If you are uncomfortable doing that you may ask to speak to your therapist's supervisor. If they are not available any supervisor will be happy to address your concerns.

3. If you are not satisfied with the feedback from either your therapist or their supervisor please contact the Clinical Director at 559-688-2043

4. If we have been unsuccessful at solving your grievance you may file a grievance with Tulare County. There is a Grievance Form that can be completed and mailed to: Problem Resolution Coordinator Mental Health Dept., Managed Care 5957 S. Mooney Blvd. Visalia, CA 93277 Or call: 1 800-500-4465

5. If you need additional assistance the Patient's Rights Advocate can also be reached at 1-800-905-5597.

6. Tulare County's Problem Resolution Coordinator (or designee) will investigate your Grievance with the goal of resolving your dissatisfaction. You will receive 2 written responses to your Grievance. The first letter will be a notice (sent within one working day of receipt of the Grievance) that they have received your Grievance. The second letter will be sent to you within 60 days with the results of the investigation.